Rangitane Reserve eDNA

    We recently took a water sample out of the stream running through the Rangitane Scenic Reserve and sent it away to https://wilderlab.co.nz for eDNA analysis.

    Results came back with a list of what was living in and around the stream. Pretty cool technology. We were supposed to pump one litre of water through the little blue filter, we got to 250ml before it clogged. But that was enough for the lab to identify 231 species!



    Click here for the results in list form

    Cochliopodium genus 313557 Amoeba Amoebae 42
    Burkholderiales order 80840   Bacteria 568
    Betaproteobacteria class 28216   Bacteria 447
    Polynucleobacter genus 44013   Bacteria 336
    Luna-1 subcluster clade 1655489   Bacteria 284
    Gammaproteobacteria class 1236   Bacteria 222
    Chitinophagaceae family 563835   Bacteria 187
    Bacteroidetes phylum 976 Bacteroides-Cytophaga-Flexibacter group Bacteria 112
    Flavobacterium genus 237   Bacteria 108
    Nitrosomonadales order 32003   Bacteria 91
    Desulfuromonadales order 69541   Bacteria 69
    Hyphomicrobiales order 356   Bacteria 68
    Actinomycetia class 1760 High G+C Gram-positive bacteria Bacteria 59
    Alphaproteobacteria class 28211   Bacteria 54
    Novosphingobium genus 165696   Bacteria 52
    Burkholderiales genera incertae sedis no rank 224471   Bacteria 33
    Hydrogenophaga genus 47420   Bacteria 28
    Cytophagaceae family 89373   Bacteria 28
    Pseudomonas genus 286   Bacteria 22
    Caulobacteraceae family 76892   Bacteria 22
    Alcaligenaceae family 506   Bacteria 18
    Proteobacteria phylum 1224 Purple bacteria and relatives Bacteria 18
    Chlamydiae phylum 204428   Bacteria 17
    Aquicella genus 254245   Bacteria 16
    Sulfuricurvum genus 286130   Bacteria 16
    Reyranellaceae family 2844375   Bacteria 16
    Pirellulaceae family 2691357   Bacteria 15
    Methylophilaceae family 32011   Bacteria 14
    Bradyrhizobiaceae family 41294   Bacteria 10
    Cytophagia class 768503   Bacteria 10
    Aeromonas genus 642   Bacteria 8
    Geothrix genus 44675   Bacteria 8
    Acetobacteraceae family 433   Bacteria 7
    Rhodobacteraceae family 31989   Bacteria 7
    Sphingomonadales order 204457   Bacteria 7
    Sphingobacteriaceae family 84566   Bacteria 6
    Lactococcus genus 1357 Lactic streptococci Bacteria 5
    Crocinitomicaceae family 1853230   Bacteria 5
    Enterobacterales order 91347   Bacteria 5
    Eubacteriales order 186802   Bacteria 5
    Arcobacter genus 28196   Bacteria 4
    Paludibacter genus 346096   Bacteria 4
    Todiramphus sanctus vagans subspecies 497867 Sacred kingfisher Birds 154
    Anas platyrhynchos species 8839 Mallard duck Birds 28
    Porphyrio melanotus species 72013 Pukeko Birds 18
    Hyalinella punctata species 350064   Bryozoans 227
    Plumatellidae family 34518   Bryozoans 80
    Euplotes genus 5935   Ciliates 1094
    Spirotrichea class 33829   Ciliates 374
    Vorticella genus 60849   Ciliates 56
    unclassified Strombidium no rank 2315903   Ciliates 54
    Stentoridae family 219169   Ciliates 53
    Bursariomorphida order 88567   Ciliates 28
    Carchesium genus 168243   Ciliates 23
    Dileptidae family 1652550   Ciliates 23
    Stentor genus 5962   Ciliates 12
    Frontonia genus 60002   Ciliates 8
    Haptorida order 5989   Ciliates 8
    Nassophorea class 6015   Ciliates 8
    Hydra vulgaris species 6087 Hydra Cnidarians 1073
    Hydridae family 6080 Hydras Cnidarians 48
    Hydra genus 6083 Hydra Cnidarians 10
    Hydrozoa class 6074 Hydrozoans Cnidarians 5
    Acanthocyclops robustus species 415614 Copepod Crustaceans 156
    Hexanauplia class 72037   Crustaceans 145
    Mesocyclops leuckarti species 669471 Copepod Crustaceans 126
    Arcitalitrus genus 1238132   Crustaceans 18
    Paracyclops fimbriatus species 1606834 Copepod Crustaceans 15
    Porcellio genus 64694   Crustaceans 13
    Cryptomonas genus 3030   Cryptomonads 237
    Cryptomonadales order 589350   Cryptomonads 10
    Nitzschia genus 2857 Pennate diatom Diatoms 21
    Sellaphora genus 216740 Diatom Diatoms 13
    Frustulia genus 431357 Diatom Diatoms 6
    Gobiomorphus genus 86236 Bullies Fish 3658
    Gobiomorphus huttoni species 587584 Redfin bully Fish 2224
    Galaxias maculatus species 61620 Inanga Fish 1736
    Anguilla australis species 7940 Shortfin eel Fish 1404
    Anguilla genus 7935 Eels Fish 727
    Retropinna retropinna species 170203 Common smelt Fish 707
    Galaxias fasciatus species 89555 Banded kokopu Fish 532
    Galaxias genus 51242 Galaxiids Fish 468
    Anguilla dieffenbachii species 61127 Longfin eel Fish 426
    Gobiomorphus cotidianus species 226931 Common bully Fish 334
    Gambusia affinis species 33528 Mosquitofish Fish 274
    Galaxiiformes order 51241 Galaxiids Fish 246
    Gobiomorphus cotidianus/basalis/dinae species 1E+07 Common/Cran/Dinahs bully Fish 223
    Eleotridae family 86197 Bullies Fish 70
    Girardia genus 52316   Flatworms 116
    Tricladida order 6159 Planarian worm Flatworms 9
    Stenostomum genus 39238 Freshwater catenulid flatworm Flatworms 5
    Aspergillus genus 5052   Fungi 32
    Vanrija genus 1851468   Fungi 5
    Mitosporidium genus 1633384   Fungi 4
    Ascomycota phylum 4890 Ascomycetes Fungi 4
    Trebouxiophyceae class 75966   Green algae 16
    Chlorophyceae class 3166   Green algae 15
    Chlamydomonadales order 3042   Green algae 4
    Synura genus 2991   Heterokont algae 182
    Mallomonas genus 2988   Heterokont algae 73
    Mallomonadaceae family 420617   Heterokont algae 60
    Chrysophyceae class 2825 Chrysomonads Heterokont algae 27
    Spumella-like flagellate JB clade 420637   Heterokont algae 17
    Spumella lacusvadosi species 1841646 Golden-brown alga Heterokont algae 12
    Phaeophyceae class 2870 Brown algae Heterokont algae 12
    Chromulinales order 96792   Heterokont algae 7
    unclassified stramenopiles no rank 46625   Heterokont algae 4
    Triplectides obsoletus species 697963 NZ caddisfly Insects 400
    Triplectides genus 144280 Caddisfly Insects 273
    Lepidoptera order 7088 Butterflies and moths Insects 147
    Hydropsychinae subfamily 147297   Insects 99
    Hemiptera order 7524   Insects 32
    Diptera order 7147 Flies Insects 28
    Hydrobiosis budgei species 697983   Insects 27
    Paroxyethira genus 697995   Insects 13
    Oxyethira albiceps species 697957 Micro caddisfly Insects 9
    Tuberolachnus salignus species 96551 Giant willow aphid Insects 7
    Costelytra zealandica species 50579 Grass grub Insects 6
    Corynoneura scutellata species 611450 Non-biting midge Insects 6
    Hudsonema genus 699954 Cased caddisfly Insects 6
    Metopeurum fuscoviride species 163907   Insects 5
    Paratanytarsus grimmii species 288873 Chironomid Insects 4
    Felis catus species 9685 Cat Mammals 257
    Bos taurus species 9913 Cattle Mammals 81
    Gastropoda class 6448 Gastropods Molluscs 344
    Potamopyrgus genus 145636 Mud snails Molluscs 195
    Potamopyrgus antipodarum species 145637 Mud Snail Molluscs 18
    Echyridella menziesii species 981778 Kakahi; Freshwater mussel Molluscs 13
    Echyridella genus 981777 Freshwater mussel Molluscs 10
    Pettancylus sp. 'Queensland, Australia' species 419065 Freshwater limpet Molluscs 7
    Amblystegium genus 99399 Feather moss Mosses 36
    Hypnodendraceae family 67249   Mosses 21
    Hypnodendron spininervium species 157230   Mosses 18
    Phytopythium genus 795339   Oomycetes 12
    root no rank 1 Unidentified Other 18033
    Metazoa kingdom 33208 Metazoans Other 1966
    Nitella genus 3148   Other 732
    Arthropoda phylum 6656 Arthropods Other 704
    Fungi kingdom 4751   Other 165
    Insecta class 50557 Insects Other 157
    Ciliophora phylum 5878 Ciliates Other 128
    Chaetonotidae family 41372   Other 106
    Embryophyta clade 3193 Higher plants Other 88
    Actinopteri class 186623   Other 79
    Chordata phylum 7711 Chordates Other 60
    Mollusca phylum 6447 Molluscs Other 55
    Prostoma graecense species 324887 Freshwater nemertean Other 37
    Euglenales order 86650   Other 33
    Prostoma eilhardi species 41366 Freshwater ribbon worm Other 32
    Streptophyta phylum 35493   Other 21
    Bryophyta clade 3208 Mosses Other 12
    Phacus genus 96783   Other 11
    Tetrastemmatidae family 35726   Other 10
    Dinophyceae class 2864 Dinoflagellates Other 8
    Neobodonida order 2704648   Other 8
    Phacaceae family 1131319   Other 6
    Eukaryota superkingdom 2759 Eucaryotes Other 6
    Cnidaria phylum 6073 Cnidarians Other 5
    Zantedeschia aethiopica species 69721 Calla lily; Arum lily Plants 873
    Melicytus genus 212267 Mahoe Plants 631
    Potamogetonaceae family 16362 Horned pondweed family Plants 627
    Monimiaceae family 22063   Plants 273
    Persicaria genus 61508 Knotweeds; Smartweeds Plants 240
    Ludwigia genus 13118 Primrose-willows; water-purslanes; water-primroses Plants 165
    Araceae family 4454 Arum family Plants 161
    Solanoideae subfamily 424551   Plants 155
    Solanaceae family 4070 Nightshade family Plants 135
    Paspalum genus 147271 Paspalums; Bahiagrasses; Crowngrasses; Dallis grasses Plants 133
    Aroideae subfamily 284555   Plants 131
    Colocasia esculenta species 4460 Taro Plants 90
    Proteaceae family 4328 Protea family Plants 80
    Populus genus 3689 Poplars; aspens; cottonwoods Plants 69
    Coprosma genus 35905 Coprosma Plants 69
    Saliceae tribe 238069   Plants 65
    Geniostoma rupestre species 62096 Hangehange; Privet leaf Plants 63
    Polygonoideae subfamily 1110380   Plants 59
    Convolvulaceae family 4118 Morning-glory family Plants 55
    Onagraceae family 3934 Evening-primrose family Plants 54
    Rumex genus 3618 Docks; sorrels Plants 51
    Podocarpus genus 3363 Conifers Plants 48
    Asparagaceae family 40552 Asparagus family Plants 46
    Weinmannia genus 3779 Weinmannia Plants 43
    Poeae tribe 147387   Plants 42
    Callistemon rigidus species 73733 Stiff bottlebrush Plants 39
    Magnoliopsida class 3398 Angiosperms Plants 38
    Loteae tribe 163747   Plants 34
    Panicoideae subfamily 147369   Plants 32
    Prunus genus 3754 Prunus Plants 29
    Pittosporum genus 23129   Plants 26
    Fagaceae family 3503 Beech family Plants 24
    Poaceae family 4479 Grass family Plants 21
    PACMAD clade clade 147370   Plants 19
    Ranunculus genus 3445 Buttercups; spearworts; water crowfoots Plants 18
    Allium genus 4678   Plants 18
    Sisyrinchium genus 58706 Blue-eyed grasses Plants 14
    Ageratina adenophora species 176616   Plants 8
    Nocturama genus 1866279 Freshwater red alga Red algae 107
    Sheathia transpacifica species 2781386   Red algae 86
    Florideophyceae class 2806   Red algae 86
    Nothocladus ater species 69142 Red algae Red algae 48
    Sirodotia genus 67912   Red algae 38
    Batrachospermaceae family 31371   Red algae 23
    Compsopogon caeruleus species 31354 Freshwater red alga Red algae 5
    Synchaeta genus 204744   Rotifers 1209
    Eurotatoria class 2816136   Rotifers 68
    Sinantherina genus 104790   Rotifers 61
    Ploima order 84394   Rotifers 19
    Hypoblemum cf. albovittatum JXZ-2013 species 1317590 Jumping spider Spiders 5
    Spongillida order 1779161   Sponges 4
    Orthonychiurus folsomi species 2581074 Springtail Springtails 25
    Nais genus 74730 Sludgeworm Worms 1534
    Lumbriculus variegatus species 61662 Blackworm Worms 1207
    Octolasion lacteum species 334871 Worm Worms 684
    Aulodrilus pluriseta species 76585 Aquatic oligochaete worm Worms 316
    Chaetogaster diaphanus species 212246 Oligochaete worm Worms 279
    Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri species 76587 Redworm Worms 251
    Chaetogaster diastrophus species 74727 Oligochaete worm Worms 197
    Ilyodrilus genus 170992 Worm Worms 72
    Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum species 188204 Worm Worms 50
    Dero genus 66487 Worm Worms 40
    Eiseniella tetraedra species 1302610 Squaretail worm Worms 39
    Amynthas corticis species 351238 Snake worm Worms 27
    Naidinae subfamily 1780200 Sludgeworms Worms 18
    Lumbricidae family 6392   Worms 13
    Naididae family 2109251 Sludgeworms Worms 13
    Amynthas genus 195544 Worm Worms 11
    Dero digitata species 66488 Worm Worms 8
    Megascolex laingii species 914218 Worm Worms 8
    Lumbriculidae family 77569   Worms 8
    Ilyodrilus templetoni species 170993 Aquatic worm Worms 7

    eDNA 527941 wheel 1

    Rangitane Reserve Pest Monitoring

     We recently bought a DOC AI Cam from Cacophany / 2040. You can read about this camera here: https://www.2040.co.nz/collections/thermal-camera-for-predators/products/doc-ai-cam-thermal-camera-with-machine-vision

    We ran the camera for a week at a time at seven different locations in Rangitane Reserve. We placed a ZIP Motolure in the field of view, this dispensed a couple of drops of mayo per day to attract pests, if present.

    Here's a summary of the results - June 2024:

    • Camera on dusk till dawn
    • Station visits are over a seven day period
    Station Number Rats
    Station 1   1 58  -  11 14 252
    Station 2    8 8 - 1  31 17
    Station 3    - 39  - 2 -  92
    Station 4    - 5  - -   0
    Station 5   - 21 - 1 - 70
    Station 6   33 7 - 1 254 33
    Station 7   3 18 - - 4 67
    Totals   45 156 0 16 303 553
    Total Monitoring nights 49            
    Overall averages   0.9 3.2 0 0.3 303 553


    The files are uploaded to the Cacophany/2040 Servers and AI identifies the pest and number of vists, showing the interface below for each nights data. The figure in the red circle is the number of videos.


    2022 Monitoring

    Rangitane Reserve pest monitoring Feb 2018Dec 2022
    Wax tag possums (20 tags) 3 (15%)
    Wax tags rodents (20 tags)  5 (25%)  3 (15%)
    Tracking cards and tunnels - rats    0
    Tracking cards and tunnels - mice   0

    We began trapping Rangitane Reserve in February 2018, we've removed 1,335 pests since then.

    Wax tag monitoring was carried out prior to commencing trapping in 2018, from 20 tags, 3 were chewed by possums (15%) and five from rats (25%).

    In 2022 we set up a line of 10 tracking tunnels at 50m intervals for monitoring rodents.  The pre inked cards were baited with peanut butter and inserted into the tunnel. These were left out for 24 hours. No rats or mice were detected. A line of 20 wax tags were left out for a week they returned no possum and 3 rats (15%).

    20180201 DHW6120

    tracking tunnel





    Rangitane Reserve bird monitoring

    Results of 5 min bird counts at four locations within the Rangitane Reserve. 2024 was our eighth count, undertaken yearly in October. 

    We have a network of 80 traps and bait stations in the reserve and have trapped over 1,600+ pests.

    Native Plant Survey, Rangitane Reserve

    Native Plant Survey, Rangitane Reserve Bay of Islands 2nd October 2017

     Native Trees and Shrubs:

    1. Coprosma rhamnoides
    2. Hangehange
    3. Horoeka / Lancewood
    4. Kanuka (Kunzea spp)
    5. Karaka
    6. Karamu (Coprosma robusta)
    7. Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile)
    8. Kumarahou (Pomaderris kumeraho)
    9. Manawa - Mangroves
    10. Mahoe/Whiteywood (Melicytus ramiflorus)
    11. Mingimingi (Leucopogon fasciculatus)
    12. Porokaiwhiri/Pigeonwood (Hedycarya arborea)
    13. Prickly Mingimingi (Leptecophylla juniperina)
    14. Rangiora (Brachyglottis repanda)
    15. Raupo
    16. Rata vine
    17. Rewarewa
    18. Tanekaha
    19. Ti Kouka/Cabbage Tree (Cordyline australis)
    20. Towai (Weinmannia silvicola)
    21. Totara (Melicytus ramiflorus)
    22. Whauwhaupaku/Five finger (Pseudopanax arborea)
    23. Taraire
    24. Nikau
    25. Corokia buddleioides


    1. Makawe Hanging Spleenwort Fern
    2. Mamaku (Cyathea medullaris)
    3. Ponga (Cyathea dealbata)


     Lily/Sedge/Grass families:

    1. Cutty grass (Gahnia lacera)
    2. Harakeke/Flax (Phormium tenax)
    3. Hook Grass (Carex uncinata)
    4. Umbrella sedge (Cyperus ustellatus)